The newest chapter

I bought the coolest property. Its in the most adorable town of all the adorable towns. It was an old store front with like the coolest garage and workshop in the awesome downtown. I painted it all out in white and black and kept a lot of the industrial features. I made it into a fortress, where i am so safe. I have a workshop. I have a glam station. I create content. I have the most incredible man who is the love of my life and who wants to be by my side. I sometimes look at him and get lost in the love i feel for him. He and i are so into making our home gorgeous. I love the car i drive, we take it to do research on other adorable towns. We laugh and sing and have the best time in it. Our kids all have space there and are happy and healthy. We have a gorgeous puppy that is so sweet and loves us. Money is so easy, i make enough to never worry and so does he. I have half a million cash in the bank at any time and i easily replenish what i spend. Its easy for us to do what we want. We take trips and vacations all the time. He makes me feel so safe. So loved. The property is so me, its hip and trendy. Theres a live work aspect, i have a boutique, that is so successful. I sell furniture and accessories, plants and vintagey clothes. We love inviting people over and frequently host parties and suppers and game watching parties.