Summer Money Makeover!


I have to tell you that the last post I wrote here, the Spring Money Makeover was one of the best things I think I’ve ever done.  I researched each tip and put it into place in my own life and so many wonderful things came from it!!

I gave up cable y’all.  I am dead serious.  I don’t even miss it (I added Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime as well as Showtime and HBO).

We have chickens in the backyard and they are just now big enough to be let out.  Last night we watched them peck at the bugs in the yard for almost an hour laughing at how funny the were being out of the cage for the first time and a little worried at getting them back in.  The sun started to go down and one by one each chicken went right back in, climbed up the ramp and went into the cupboard we hung.

We ate our first zucchini with dinner last night.  I buy these from the store all the time, we love zucchini but normally it takes three zucchini to feed my family of six.  This monster zucchini I pulled out of our garden last night fed us all plus my daughter’s friend.  That’s seven people!  Our garden is so loved.  I’m so glad I tried that.

If you missed it, it’s not too late.  Lots of the things on the Spring Money Makeover are great for year round savings, you can see it here:  Spring Money Makeover!

Today I got to thinking about the things coming up this summer…camp, kids home all day most days which means I go through three times the groceries, weekends filled with trying to entertain them, their friends coming over, vacation, summer clothes that fit them…then it hit me.

Summer financial stress.

My stomach hurts a little when I think about it.

I combat stress with planning so I got to work putting together a list of things I can do quietly without making a fuss and without feeling like I am deprived or depriving my kids to help me save money but still have all the fun we can this summer.  These are things my grandma would be proud of and I think that’s just a good way to live!  If you’re starting to get ‘how am I going to pay for summer’ stress too, check this out and try these little shifts along with me–I promise you’ll find a couple you’ll love! (List is below)

Most of all summer is about fun, especially if you have kids.  Being a penny pincher doesn’t have to make you feel poor.  It doesn’t have to feel like lack.  The things I do to save money build on each other season after season to help me do better and provide better for my family without feeling deprived.  I hope you’ll give them a try and let me know how it goes.



UPDATE:  I still love this.  I did all those things and I wanted to tell you that I have a savings plan print out that I couple with these seasonal makeovers, it’s always one of the items on the list but here’s a PDF copy: 12weekmoneychallenge   Print it, use it, I promise you won’t regret it.   I keep one of these going at all times.  I also always have a yearly savings plan like this one going that I’ll upload another time.  I double up on the weekly payments when I can so that I finish them before the estimated date.  Once I finish I seal that sheet and the money in an envelope and put it in my safe.  I guess I could put it in the bank as well but I’m old school and always worry that some hacker is going to drain my account.  Hope this helps, and I’ll see ya in the Fall with some new and awesome money saving tips.  xoxo, j




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Hi:) I'm Juls. I write. A lot. Mostly about selfish things but sometimes it's worth reading.

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